Posts Archive
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How I refactored the BBC navigation bar; and a follow-up FAQ
How a BBC navigation bar component broke depending on which external monitor it was on
My first week in the CSS Working Group
Stripes(): the border function you never knew you needed
Mesh gradients in CSS
Moving over to 11ty and Netlify
The lessons learnt creating a design system for BBC Online
Eight CSS fundamentals no one teaches us
Running your own Web server on a VPS? Nah!
How we grow junior developers at the BBC
When you don't want your end-to-ends to get to the end
Moving on to Real Life
We're now on HTTP/2.0
Deploying new website in 3... 2... 1...
Should Software Engineering be like Law and Medicine?
DRM on the Web: Mozilla lost, but they had to
Classes and modules: JavaScript's missing ingredients
There's Rust in my browser: part 2
There's Rust in my browser: part 1
Smart TVs: a new opportunity for the Web
WebPaper: Can the Web replace LaTeX?
Is responsive Web design not possible on "real" Web apps?
The curse of IE7
Rant: WebKit, stop touching my text!
The importance of responsive web design
The importance of progressive enhancement
Operation convergence: the story of how the W3C and WHATWG fell out
Teaching the Web in 2013
DRM on the Web: it begins
Why we need to stop hating Internet Explorer
Finally, another browser engine
Presentation: WebKit vs. the mobile Web
WebKit vs. the Web
Web browsers, Windows RT and the EU: what it's really about